Thursday, October 29, 2009

Whistle while you wee-wee

I have been told that I have a nice….er whistle!
I recently found myself whistling a merry tune….and it got me thinking….which immediately raised my eyebrows, as I moved the tune to a higher note…as if to raise a question! Apparently raising ones eyebrows helps one to stay on pitch and in tune?

People who say that whistling is not an art are dillusional - the whistle range start at a high "E" above a high "C"? Its called the Whistle Register and most people cannot achieve that.

I wonder how many times I have come up with an award winning tune and didn’t even know it, whistling the next broadway winner or operatic genius while fixing a broken chain on my bike, or standing in the shower?
It also got me thinking…what is the most whistled tune in the world ever? Monty Pythons - 'Bright side of life'? The spaghetti western classic….the one when Clint stares his opponents down as he rides into town!
The wolf whistle – made very popular by Italians? Is that even a tune though? I would suggest it is!
Christmas Carols also provide ammunition for bourgeoning whistlers…
What tune do I whistle the most? 'Wow' - he says with a long drawn out whistle! I will get back to you on that one!

I know whistling can be annoying especially when the person is unaware they are actually doing it when performing a mindless task which then translates into a tuneless whistle – generally referred to as a pucker whistle, the most common form of whistling used in most Western music.
But, and this is a big But, it can also be very beautiful…

It brings me to my current most annoying thing…men (cant speak for woman – so perhaps there a few tales they might like to share?)
There are men who moan at the urinal and on the loo. Why do men moan or sigh when they aim at the urinal? It is disgusting and there is no need for it - ever!
Even worse are those men who just about sound like they are on their last legs when taking a number 2? Why? Its not like giving birth so does not require sound effects!

And a note to anyone whistling while at the urinals…never ever whistle the wolf tune!

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