Friday, July 3, 2009

So how was your day honey?

I had a good chuckle on the way into work this morning…
I had the radio on and a caller told the DJ how her husband had slipped off to burgle from their neighbours house while she was in hospital delivering their baby.
The doctors and family asked her where her husband was, and the poor lady had absolutely no idea.
Happily, she said that the two had long since divorced.
It follows a story in the UK where woman recently called off her wedding recently after finding out that her husband to be had starred in several porn movies.
27-year-old Haylie Hocking of Bristol was planning her wedding with her dream man, Jason Brake, who she was led to believe worked as a personal trainer. Brake frequently travelled on weekends, telling her he was working with clients.
Hocking only discovered Brake’s secret life as a porn star after her and a friend searched for strippers online for her bachelorette party and found a pornographic video of her fiance.
Hocking confronted the man she had previously called “a thoughtful and passionate lover” and he confessed to his lying and infidelity, saying that his most recent porn movie shoot had only been a couple weeks before.
She immediately called off the wedding, saying she may never be able to trust a man again.
I have to say that if I caught my spouse getting into all kinds of positions with a host of porn actors on a daily basis, I would first consider how lucrative her contract was…I could live off her exploits by playing golf all day and sipping cocktails by night quite easily…
I would consider myself quite lucky that I had a partner that was good looking enough and talented enough to warrant a film about her exploits in the sack and I could save on my monthly porn bill by having free DVDs of my talented wife.

Ha ha only kidding – I would send her on her bike and tell her to be careful not to slip down the seat on her way out.
I wonder how much people really know about their other half…so to speak…I just hope that I am the naughty half should that scenario ever play itself out in my world…I can hear the intro to my own film…lots of base and a saxophone.

Colleague watch: He is going on a holiday to Australia on holiday in a weak and tells us that he was a champion lifesaver in his day…it must be hard to be a lifesaver when you live 600km’s from the sea on a mine-dump? Maybe he is referring to the Vaal River Lifesaving Club (VRLC) – they should get a t-shirt made.

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