Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sleep sliding away

I had one of those mornings where my bed just seemed like such a natural place to be, despite having to get up and ready myself for work. It was just so warm and cosy. I have been sleeping really well of late, you know when you wake up in exactly the same position as when you went to sleep with the duvet not even wrinkled! Am I making you jealous Zoe? Ha ha your time will come when Isobel will make you breakie in bed…with an awful amount of training mind.
I usually don’t have a problem getting up as I enjoy the challenge that each day presents. I usually get out of bed earlier over the weekend, bar a big night out, as I feel like its my free time and I want to make the most of my day.
It hasn’t always been the case though, I can remember many a late start at university, but then I have always been a bit of a night owl too. I would fight bed and sleep as a kid, wanting to stay up as late as possible, but by the time I got to matric, that changed somewhat. I would take the odd day off complaining of some mystery illness, with my mom sounding off in the background that she wouldn’t sign my sick-note as she dashed out the front door on her way to work. The idea was to have a lie in and then watch daytime telly in my sleeping shorts – ah those were good days.
University was brilliant, no mom, no early lectures…well erm maybe a few, but more than not a late morning snooze in the warm sunlight that filtered through into my room would be too difficult to give up.
My early working days in the UK would see me delay my getting up to the last possible minute, having prepped myself accordingly the night before… shoes, suit socks etc all next to the bed, waiting. Too often in those days I would be fighting a hangover, and it didn’t help that I would have to rely on London’s public transport, which was both enemy and ally. Because you can never rely on the busses and tubes in the morning, I couldn’t actually plan my sleep down to the last minute, but at the same time, if I was late into work…the bloody transport again…ah that old chestnut!
When I was a senior at high school, I would often get up in the morning get dressed and then get back into bed until I absolutely had to get out of bed again. I could plan my time down to the last minute.
As the years went by in London, I seemed to get lucky and work in relative convenience to where I lived. During the last few years I actually worked close enough to cycle to work, so again it was a case of knowing my exact route and the time it took to get there.
So what’s my point?
Well I don’t actually have a point today. Thought I might make it one of those share em days.

I thought this article was quite interesting, even though I am a dog person myself…

Cats coax their owners into giving them what they want with a special purr that blends their normal soft, low sound with a high-pitched element that is hard to ignore, British researchers said.
The high-frequency part is similar to a cry or a meow, and cats incorporate this into their normal, contended purr to exploit the nurturing instincts of humans for their own needs -- usually to get fed, according to scientists.
Lead author Dr Karen McComb of Sussex University in southern England said she initiated the study after being repeatedly woken up in the mornings by her own cat, Pepo.
"I wondered why this purring sounded so annoying and was so difficult to ignore.
McComb and her team tested human responses to different purring types, including "solicitation" purrs -- which included the high-frequency element and were made by hungry cats -- against "non-solicitation" or normal purrs.
"When humans were played purrs recorded while cats were actively seeking food at equal volume to purrs recorded in non-solicitation contexts, even those with no experience of cats judged the solicitation' purrs to be more urgent and less pleasant," she said.
When the team re-synthesised the purrs to remove the embedded cry, the urgency ratings decreased significantly.
McComb concluded that the cats were using the special purr to make their views known without risking irritating humans with an overt meow.
However, this solution appears only to work in cats living one-on-one with their owners -- cats in large households usually have to meow to be heard.

1 comment:

  1. Hmph!

    Well her Daddy was pretty good on the tea run, so hopefully it's in her genes.

    I must say I LOVE bed. I look forward to climbing into mine with a good book these days. Certainly no lie-ins on the horizon...
