Thursday, November 12, 2009

A different world

The heavyweight of all arguments….no not Brittany vs Paris Hilton on Twitter, but rather God vs Darwin, evolution vs religion has resurfaced quite a bit lately…

It got me thinking how far we have come as human beans from the fire obsessed, unwashed, unkept, cave dwelling, beard loving, from behind shagging, animal skins wearing, abacus using, ok that came a bit later, to the current Google worshipping, moon landing, high rise building, I-pod using, gun wielding, raw fish eating sods that currently roam the city landscapes.

I want to get back to the doggy style shagging part…only because I want to illustrate how much we have also changed physically from our ape-like ancestors, to say Bill Gates.

I wonder what physical traits we are likely to see in man in future centuries…

For South Africans, to combat crime I would suggest that our children's children's children might be born resembling a rhino on two legs, well armoured to combat hijackings and various other violent crime that plagues this beautiful country…perhaps no necks too so as not to have that part of our body vulnerable?

And maybe Italians in the future will be born with pointy leather shoes for feet, while Americans will be born with slightly smaller mouths to curb their volume and arrogance? Lets hope so.

I would suggest that the English be born with tea-cup shaped bottom lips and an ability to withstand tremendous heat so that they can forego the whole pick up tea-cup and drink process, and just pop the bag into their mouth, pour the hot water and drink!

Dubai arabs might be made out of brick and steel, depending what side of the oasis you live and that way they can just use their offspring to make buildings and other industry...

Perhaps the Swiss would be made out of cheese, that grows back if you take a bite obviously…I would like to see that happen, neutral? My arse especially when some stranger comes up and takes a bite out of it, or decides to get all artistic with his Swiss army knife…

Any other suggestions?

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