Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Anthemgate – recall the flourbomb

It had to be the most bizarre start to a rugby test match I have ever seen, well certainly since the infamous Flour Bomb Test in New Zealand during the Apartheid years in 1981 when some nutter flew a light aircraft over Eden Park during the third and decisive test match between South Africa and New Zealand dropping flour bombs on the field throughout the game, even landing to refuel.
The afore mentioned nutter even managed to fell Kiwi prop forward Gary Knight – good night if you like.
Lets be honest though, how accurate are you going to be trying to fly a plane solo while dropping flour bombs from several hundred feet?
March on approximately 28 years and some Rasta idiot Dumisani Ras, absolutely butchered the national anthem before the 20-13 Test match defeat to France, on Friday, and then even had the temerity and voice to say he thought he had "sung beautifully". The bloke ensconced in dreadlocks and his 'drummer' band, well just a drummer actually had clearly been smoking as per his religious ja duties compel him to do…sure Rasta man its hard life? 'Ja' my bru.
He screamed, shouted, added new words, forgot others, sang out of tune while confusion turned to bemusement and finally anger as the 'singer' went from bad to worse. It was like watching an audtion for one of those reality shows....

Questions came flooding in after the event…where did we get this cockroach, this nunu to sing our anthem?
The key was to make sure he could sing…turns out he couldn’t and another biggie was to ensure that he knew the words to an anthem that is sung in four different languages…again he couldn’t!

The pre test tests didn’t stop there… Former French captain Olivier Pelous led some goofy looking kid onto the field to kick a rugby ball on the half way line in commiseration of a French official who had passed away during the week. Cue the fat goofy kid…who proceeded to mis-kick the ball and fall very ungracefully and in the process injure himself. He just lay on the pitch and began to cry much to the embarrassment of Pelous who had to help the hobbling bawling brat off the field.

And then to add insult to injury, it was later revealed that the South African flag was positioned upside-down during the game…Appalling. Surely as a person who has the task of raising the flags should ask just one question and one question only? Is this the right way? LOL
Now I am no genius…not of the Forrest Gump proportions, but surely there is something wrong with a country that has such a complex flag and anthem…but that’s a whole other political debate…
As my math teacher in Standard eight used to say…keep it simple stupid…I am not sure if he was referring to equations or to my constant inability to grasp the subject…

In naval terms an upside-down flag has been used as distress signals in the past, which in the end was the irony of the entire evening, and I fear sometimes in SA, is a sign of the times…

It did make me wonder how Rasta man could be punished for such a heinous act? My immediate thought was to make him the rugby ball for the game…having seen the faces of some of the Springbok players; I bet they would have loved to kick the Rasta out of him. A muppet? Ja

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