Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The farest of us all

A local website has the following five questions woman really dont like their men asking:
1 - Are you going to be much longer?
She hears : Here I am sitting on my backside waiting in the car, while you are packing the baby’s bag, sorting out the dog, wrapping the birthday present, dealing with YOUR mother’s phonecall, setting the alarm and locking the house. What is taking you so long?
Why does this question irritate women?
This question merely reveals your husband/boyfriend’s complete lack of understanding about what it takes to get ready to go on the road. And this is what makes women angry. Leave it to the man in your life, and you will arrive at the party without a present, without clean nappies for the baby, and to top it all, a call from the alarm company, saying the armed response says the dog is trotting around inside the house and they hope that is what set off the alarm.

I agree with this one, men are impatient and woman take longer because they think of things men dont so well done them.

2 - Don’t you think you should start running again?

A perfectly honest question? but can I just say that it is probably worded wrong...Perhaps a more polite way would be to ask if they would care to join the gym, with you, or take a run together?

Either way if she is getting fat...that concern needs to be aired, surely?

3 - What’s for supper? I think this one is possibly outdated..perhaps a question asked by my dad, but unless my partner has volunteered to cook a meal, that would be the only time I would say..great, what are you cooking?

4 - What was your previous boyfriend like?

She hears: I don’t like the thought of your being with anyone else, even if I didn’t know you then. I really want to hear that he was a right royal jerk, useless in bed, couldn’t hold down a job and generally disliked by all your family and friends.

Why does this question irritate women?It makes them feel cornered – previous boyfriends are actually private territory and have nothing to do with present relationships. When women are hesitant to discuss previous relationships, men often react as if they are somehow being excluded and as if the woman has something to hide.

I do agree with this one I have to say. Whatever is said about the ex it is never going to make either party happy unless there are lies exchanged ie: he was fat, had acne, a two inch penis, a smelly fish breath and was homeless, but other than that he was a perfect gentlemen. Even then, what does that say about you that she went out with such a loser.
Intriguing as it may be to find out what the ex was like so as to try to compare youself, stay clear if possible, think about the future , unless the boyfriend/girlfriend is still in the picture, in which case deeper more meaningful discussions may be necessary?

5 - Who was that you were talking to?

Now if I have asked this question in the past, it has only been to show interest, or somethimes I can asee that that my partner wants to discuss the call she just had - Otherwise I couldnt care less who she/he was talking too - if they had something to hide, they wouldnt be talking on the phone in such an obvious manner - in other words dump them for being a moron.

I am hoping Zoe and Rebecca and Lollo might be able to add to this list...go on girls -

Here are a few questions that men dont particulalrly like:

Does my bum look big in this?
Do you think she’s pretty? It depends if your bum looks big in what she is wearing ha ha jokes.
Do you love me?
I dont know what to ear - er try something in your cupboard...


  1. How was it for you?

    Let's face it, if you have to ask, you probably don't want to know.

  2. Indeed Zoe - one other that has me puzzled - why do the ladies always go to the bathroom in groups? and whay do they always moan about other ladies?
    Perhaps the second question answers the first? They go to the loo to moan about other ladies? Did you see what that biatch was wearing? God she looked like a small elephant LOL

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. People moan about other people because they are unhappy and want to bring others down so that they can feel good about themselves. Or they project their insecurities onto the innocent ones. Petty.
    I personally don't like talking about past relationships. The past doesn't equal the future. So the morons that we've dated in the past do not reflect on the current partner, got to kiss your frogs before you meet your Prince.
    My love, ladies going to the bathroom together isn't always to bitch, I can personally go on my own. In fact what irritates me is when you stand up at the table and the girls stick their heads up like little Prairie dogs and eyes all lit up like a kid at Christmas "Are you going to the bathroom?", "Yes", "Great, wait for me, I'll come with you". Then you go to the loo and 9 times out of 10, they insist on coming into the actual cubicle with you. Now that is frustrating ha-ha.
