Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Eight years after a US-led invasion ousted the Taliban from power in Afghanistan (Really?) the war-ravaged state is the most dangerous place in the world for a child to be born, the United Nations said on Thursday….love it, the almighty UN is now just nothing more than a glorified research agency.

Methinks a name change is in order…No Brainier Institute of research (NBI), along with a tag line: Ineffective mediator…coming through ineffective mediator here.
It is especially dangerous for girls, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) said (do ya think?), Barcelona football team would be embarrassed by that statement…its like saying Ronaldo is a fair player.

Afghanistan has the highest infant mortality rate in the world - 257 deaths per 1,000 live births – that is astounding.

"Afghanistan today is without a doubt the most dangerous place to be born," Daniel Toole (If the name suits), UNICEF regional director for South Asia said…USA! USA! Don’t forget to put a flag in the ground, beat your chests and declare a national holiday…good work and high fives all round.

Some 43% of the country is now virtually off-limits to aid agencies due to insecurity, according to Tool (I decided to drop the e)…and they say that this almighty US-led invasion ousted the Taliban from power in Afghanistan? Only 57% of it they did.

Some 317 schools in Afghanistan were attacked in the past year, killing 124 and wounding another 290, Tool said…USA! USA!…go on send Bette Midler over for Christmas to cheer up the lads, or perhaps Will Farrell to make lite of the situation, you know keep morale up and all that..Hank the Tank! Hank the Tank! "You all make so proud to be an American…that’s a riot…that’s a laugh riot!

Yes yes, I know that it isn’t the Americans who are attacking these schools, but it may as well be…

If it bleeds, we can kill it…Arni, now governor in the USA USA once said that.

"We have seen a drop in the number of children who are attending schools and particularly young girls," he added.

Without a doubt quote of the day!

"How was school today Ikky Ikky Achput? "It was ok, Mohammad who sits next to me in bomb making class got blown up while trying to fuse his ammonium nitrate bomb, I got an A for cluster bomb making, and Muna, Yasir and Hidi all got shot when they strayed too far from the playground.

"I was thinking that perhaps I might astay at home tomorrow, you know in case I get killed or something like that… Can I have some humus with that Pita bread?"

School enrolment in Afghanistan had risen to 5 million, including 2 million girls, against 1 million with virtually no girls in 2001 when the Taliban were ousted from power, he said.

USA!USA! From being a patriotic myth, the Russian people have become an awful reality. Leon Trotsky said that…

As I write this blog the headline on the Beeb wesite: President Barack Obama orders 30,000 more US soldiers to Afghanistan but also spells out an exit strategy.

Ooh-rah –used by the marines as greeting or as an expression of enthusiasm – how about bollocks!

Repeat after me, This is my rifle, There are many like it, but this one is mine, without my rifle I am nothing, without me, my rifle is nothing…

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